Unfailing Self-Love
It has been a while since my last post. It’s not that I no longer want to write and share my thoughts, it’s just the lack of words that have come to me. A lack of topic and purpose. I cannot quite figure out what God wants me to write about. I could use the excuse that I've been extremely busy with life, learning how to juggle being a wife, a student, and a full-time worker. Personally, I don't feel that’s why I've not been blogging. While life has been very hectic with wedding planning the past year and a half, moving to a completely different state, and becoming a college student, there were still times when I could have wrote but chose not to. I wouldn't say that it's laziness, but rather a loss for words. I had nothing to write about. God wasn't laying anything on my heart to write, there wasn't a need for things to be shared with the world. That was until today.
Today, I woke up absolutely exhausted! It’s the sixth day of a 12-day streak I am working without a day off. While I wanted to lay in bed and catch up on some sleep, I didn’t. I got up, ate breakfast, had my daily cup of coffee, kissed my husband goodbye, and started on my way to work. As I was driving down the road, one of my favorite songs by Lauren Daigle came on the radio. All of her songs are amazing, but this one, in particular, gives me chills! While listening and singing along, it came to me. My topic to write for my next blog. Let me remind you that I haven’t even thought about blogging in months, but right then I not only knew God wanted me to write about self-love, but I also knew I needed to take my own advice while writing it.
From time to time, we as humans fight the voices in our head that say we aren't enough. We get so caught up in thinking negative thoughts about ourselves that we literally start living in a world where we knit pick at every flaw. We see everything about ourselves as bad, we look in the mirror and we criticize every little innocent flaw about ourselves. But why? Why does our weight, the color of our skin, our acne, or any other imperfection matter so much that it makes us feel so small? Why do we harshly criticize ourselves for the small mishaps, not having everything figured out, or not being able to fix things that aren't in our control? We belittle ourselves into thinking just because we have flaws, that we are useless and unworthy. In reality, we gain nothing from criticizing our imperfections. Our imperfections do not define us. They do not define our successes, our lives, homes, marriages, parenthood or any of the many things worth being proud of.
No matter what may be going on in our lives, we have still been blessed with many beautiful things. You may wake up exhausted, but thank God for giving you another day. Your bones may ache and your heart may hurt, but thank God if you are healthy. You may not have the dream home you want, but thank God you have a place to call home because some do not. We complain about the things we don't have or how life is hard, but some have it worse. So be thankful and grateful. We should all learn to pay more attention to what beautiful things we have to be thankful and proud of, rather the negative imperfections of our life.
In the end, we are so much more. We are more than the highs and lows, the failures, and the imperfections staring back at us in the mirror. You may sit and wonder how I know this. Who am I to say anything about your life or who you are? You are right, I don't know you, but he does and he says so. God says that I am more, that you are more. When I feel unloved, he says "you are loved." When I am weak, he shows me that I am strong. When I feel like I'm just "gone to the world" or "lost" he tells me I am his. In the end, we may not always have everything figured out or look the way we would like, but the only thing that matters is what HE thinks of us. When we believe that what he says of us is the most important, then that is when we will find an unfailing self-love. That is when we will know our worth. That is when we find our identity.
You say By Lauren Daigle: https://youtu.be/sIaT8Jl2zpI
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