It's Your Place to Love, Not Judge
You can’t be a Christian if you drink.
You aren’t a Christian if you cuss.
You’re gay, God doesn’t love you.
You’re an addict, you don’t love God.
You committed adultery, how could you say you’re a Christian?
You aren’t a Christian unless you go to church.
You've committed many sins, you can't be forgiven.
This is the world we live in today. These are a few of the many thoughts that run like a faucet out of the mouths of those who believe they are worthy of judging others. We live in a world where people would rather tear others apart than build one another up.
Why does society feel it’s our place to make the decision to say whether someone is a Christian? Why is it okay for anyone to judge or deny another’s relationship with God?
The raw and unbearing truth is that it's not. It’s not okay, yet so many do it.
As a Christian, it is not our job to judge. It’s simply not our place. You don't get to deny a person their relationship with Christ. You know why? It’s not your life and you are not Christ.
In reference to the societal thoughts...
You don’t know what leads a person to alcohol.
The bible does say not to use profane language but it also says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Ephesians 4:29 NIV).
You don’t know why someone made the choice to become gay.
You weren't there when that person chose to stick a needle in their arm.
You aren't apart of the marriage that is in shambles because of infidelity.
You don’t know who has a worship service in their car every morning.
If you've committed one sin you are equal to all.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23 NIV)
You don’t have to like the decisions that other people make. It's not your life to make decisions for. You don't have to agree with the life someone lives. You don't have to agree with infidelity. You don’t have to agree with same-sex marriage or sex before marriage. You don’t have to understand why people become addicts or judge whether addiction is a choice or a disease. But as Christians: you do have to love thy neighbor. You should pray for the marriage in shambles. You should pray for the life that is being drained by addiction. Do to others as you would have them do to you. You are allowed to have an opinion, but you don't have to voice it. Just walk in love. Just because someone falls short, doesn't mean they don't love God.
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me" - Proverbs 8:17
If someone says they are a Christian, it’s not your place to say that they aren’t. Denying someone’s relationship with God is like denying the Holy Ghost. It’s blasphemy.
Love those who are different than you. Believe in the goodness of others. Accept the things that make others different whether you agree with it or not.
Spread love, encourage others, pray for others, share Gods word, and let the creator handle the rest.
There's a kind of love only God Knows
Music: God Only Knows- King & Country
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